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#Castanea sativa
Who's this?
Chestnut (Castanea sativa) and its properties are delicate and protective to dogs and cats like a loving mother. As a protecting cape, Chestnut avails herself of her coating, and of the stem, bark, leaves and buds too.
Chestnut's superpowers derive from tannins, a substance that binds to proteins and form a protective film on the intestinal mucosa, defending it from the food that could damage it when inflamed by gastrointestinal disorders.
Chestnut extracts control and thus protect the intestine with an anti-inflammatory action on the mucosa and an astringent effect.
Moreover, Chestnut has always been an important source of starch and was used in diets to replace bread, thus appealing to dogs and cats who have always lived alongside men.
Where to find her
The protection offered by the Chestnut can be found in FORZA10 Intestinal Active and Intestinal Actiwet both for dogs and cats.
From Caucasus to Spain, the Chestnut was served in soups and desserts becoming as common as bread and butter to men and, consequently, thanks to its low price, to dogs and cats too.
In some Italian regions she is also used to create the “Castagnaccio”, a popular cake.
The feeling of protection and love that she conveys has persisted over the years making her mark in the people's memory and changing their use of Chestnut.
During the war, from prison camps, men confided in letters, their longing to be back home eating Chestnuts, associating them with happier times spent at home drinking wine and cooking chestnuts by the fireplace.
Chestnuts are the ritual food of the Day of the Dead, also for the period of the year when they are harvested, while in some Italian regions the proverb says: “A San Martin castagne e vin” (on St. Martin's Day, chestnuts and wine) to celebrate the Saint on the 11th of November.