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Phytotherapy and



When phytòn, or the plant, joins medical science, phytotherapy is born , that is the discipline that studies plants and their active ingredients to treat or prevent diseases of various kinds, which can affect the body as well as the mind.


Perpetually bound to the ground, without the possibility of moving, the plants have developed elaborate defense systems to survive from attacks by fungi, microbes, viruses, insects and even ultraviolet radiation, protecting themselves from damage by the latter by producing antioxidant substances, especially polyphenols such as flavonols, flavones, catechins, flavanones, anthocyanidins and isoflavonoids.


At the same time, on the same ground as the plants, albeit masked by a pavement or a road, man, as well as the dog and cat, who live next to him, need macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber and minerals, but also of micronutrients , such as vitamins, trace elements, essential fatty acids, enzymes and phytonutrients with antioxidant action.

Nutrition is the basis of homeostasis, that is the body's ability to maintain a perfect state of health and from the relationship between plant and man, which it must also choose for its four-legged friends, the nutraceutical is born, or the food-drug.


The active parts of plants , or those endowed with healing abilities, can be found in the leaves, in the flower, in the fruit, called aerial parts, or in the root or rhizome, called underground parts. The intake of these extracts is useful in regulating the immune response in numerous food-based disorders such as dermatitis, dermatosis, skin rash, pyoderma, hot-spots, conjunctivitis, intestinal problems, disorders of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, disorders of the 'ear.


The active ingredients of plants also have the merit of helping the body to defend itself against constant attacks at the cellular level of xenobiotic substances, pollutants, introduced through food, or of protecting against damage caused by external substances such as electromagnetic radiation, fine dust. , radioactive gases such as radon.

An antioxidant diet has the advantage of providing the body with the necessary quantities of both macro and micronutrients, in addition to these precious protective agents.


Phytoextracts with specific nutrients, not conditioned by chemical agents and the integration of Omega3, are among the fundamental principles of SANYpet FORZA10 products, which manages to bring together the unique experience of a large family that has been dealing with intolerances for twenty years and food problems with the skills of Gianandrea Guidetti , researcher and one of the leading experts in phytotherapy in the zootechnical field.

Via Austria, 3

35023 Bagnoli di Sopra (PD)


Pharmacist – Formulator
Phytotherapy expert

Phone: +39 0429 785401

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