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The history of herbal medicine


The relationship between the animal and the plant has ancestral origins. Man himself, in prehistoric eras, collected flowers, fruits, herbs, roots, berries and gems according to his need, choosing thanks to instinct and experience. A primitive ability that man today has lost, or rather, has evolved, but which is still typical of dogs and cats. Just think of the dog who eats grass in response to a physiological need.


Phytotherapy , although not properly called in this way from the beginning, has walked through the centuries and has been confronted with multiple civilizations throughout history . The Egyptians were gifted with extraordinary knowledge of plants and their balsamic oils, which the priests used for multiple functions, such as antifungal, antifermentative and antioxidant. Think for example of their ability, by means of natural principles, to mummify and preserve bodies over the years.


The Italian culture, in particular, is very close to the study of plants, thanks to the knowledge and studies of Greek philosophers and doctors, then handed down to the Romans. Hippocrates , one of the most important men in medicine throughout history, said: "let food be your medicine and medicine be your food". A paradigm valid not only for humans, but also for animals, which SANY pet- FORZA10 has made its own, pursuing the health of dogs and cats through nutrition .


The Romans accepted the inheritance of this wisdom and the knowledge of plants underwent a further acceleration with the spread of Christianity and the rise of religious movements. The monks of the abbeys and monasteries cultivated and took care of the plants in their gardens, realizing that their properties, the active ingredients, differed according to the soil where they grew and the different climate. A plant grown elsewhere, under different conditions , also had a different effectiveness from that in the monastery garden. The passage in a pharmacological key was fundamental: the same dosage corresponds to the same therapy, while obtaining plants from elsewhere different measures were necessary. The plants were titled and labeled, passing from simple empirical herbal medicine to standardization.


When explorations by sea and the discovery of new worlds began in the 15th century, the Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors began to bring back home, following their long journeys, new species to study in universities. Workshops and laboratories began to be formed, systems for extracting essential oils were developed.


In the 1700s, the century of science and the Enlightenment, Philip Miller and Linnaeus made their great contribution to the study of plants, collecting information and specimens, proposing a complete classification, because "if you don't know the name, the knowledge of things also dies" .

SANYpet makes this Italian and European tradition its own, bringing together in-depth phytotherapeutic knowledge as a function of the well-being of an organism, not that of man, but that equally important, albeit different, of dogs and cats.

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