Pharmacist - Formulalist
Expert in phytotherapy
Who is it?
The queen of herbal remedies is here, fascinating and more hypnotic than a cat's soft step, so much so that the cats themselves are captivated. Who is it? It is called Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and it is an angiosperm, a perennial flowering plant whose root, the rhizome, contains highly effective essential oils, alkaloids and flavonoids. The fresh root is odorless, but isovaleric acid is released when dried.
Its name owes it to the Latin valere, which means "to have strength", "to be worth", "to enjoy good health", but valerian is also known with the name of Cat grass, precisely for its ability to enchant and fascinate cats. Therefore a strong superhero, but at the same time persuasive.
The Superpowers
When to call valerian for help? In states of anxiety and nervousness, palpitations, convulsions, insomnia, stress, anxiety, migraines, gastric spasms and colic, motor agitation and heart pains of nervous agitation. In short, when the situation becomes critical and it is difficult to manage it, then you need her.
Valerian intervenes with its superpowers, initiating a spasmolytic and hypnotic, calming and sedative action. Gentle and persuasive, it reduces aggression and helps make the dog docile.
Its capabilities are such that this plant, but what I say, this phyto-hero, has been included in the official pharmacopoeia for the preparation of drugs.
Where to find it
What better place to rest, waiting to act, if not in FORZA10 Harmony. Designed and formulated for all problems related to anxiety, in order to maintain the physical and mental balance of the dog, this diet could not do without valerian.
Valerian is one of the most talked about and observed plants over the years, so much so that the traces it has left in history are numerous, together with the studies that have seen it as protagonist.
Its first official appearance, of which we have testimony, dates back to the 10th century. From here on, all scholars could not help but talk about her. Let us therefore pretend to bring together the eminences of the sector here, by our side and give them a voice again, in a timeless interview.
Saint Ildegarda: “I recommend it as a tranquilizer and a sleeping pill”.
Pliny the Elder: "In my time, I recommended it as an antispasmodic, analgesic and medicine against epilepsy".
Cazin: "Let's not forget the use for lean diabetes!".
Dioscorides: “I would like to point out to the gentlemen the diuretic function and also invite them to consider it as an antidote against poisons”.
Galen: "We want to talk about its usefulness as a decongestant?"
Scopoli, Chomel, Sauvages (in chorus): "We have cured many cases of epilepsy with its root!"
Aliberto: “But of course. From the time when Fabio Colonna, attacked by a severe epilepsy, made such happy use of valerian on himself, this plant has been religiously regarded as the specific ruler of this function ".
However, valerian has often left the word to actions. The first settlers in America, once they got there, discovered that valerian was given to many tribes, who used the pulverized roots to heal wounds.
During the First World War it was exploited for nervous breakdowns by artillery bombing.
However, his first official honor was obtained in 1820, when he entered the US pharmacopoeia as a tranquilizer.
Never satisfied with bringing its charm in history and among men, the valerian finally lets its virtues be praised even in fairy tales and fables. It was none other than the Brothers Grimm who made her singer, in The Pied Piper, otherwise called The Pied Piper of Hamelin, in which the protagonist enchanted mice and children with his flute and valerian.