Pharmacist - Formulist
Expert in phytotherapy
#Ribes nigrum
Who is it?
You have certainly heard of currant (Ribes nigrum), maybe it even ended up on your plate and you called it black currant, to differentiate it from the red one, or maybe they presented it to you with its French name cassis or the English blackcurrant .
However, it is not only its fruits that contain very important active ingredients for dogs and cats, but also its leaves.
The Superpowers
When to call currants to help cats and dogs? But above all, why rally his superpowers?
Currants are of particular interest to us due to their capillary fragility. Since the dermis is rich in blood vessels and easy to alter, the superpowers of the currant act as angioprotective, that is, to strengthen our blood system. It is therefore useful in inflammatory processes and in cases of allergies.
In traditional medicine, his is a work of increasing the microcirculation.
Currant is also considered a natural cortisone, with no side effects. His fame is not due to the fact that he replaces cortisone, but to his stimulation of a response of the adrenal cortex, during inflammatory processes at an endogenous level.
There are many substances that are held by currant: antioxidant polyphenols, anthocyanins, vitamin C, mucilage, flavonoids and coercetin.
Where to find it
Flexible and available, currant is found in a wide variety of FORZA10 foods: Dermo Active , Oral Active and Ophtalmic Active only for dogs, Hypoallergenic Active for cats and wet foods, for both of our furry friends, Dermo Actiwet and Hypoallergenic Actiwet .
As often happens, the life of a superhero is not an easy thing. I am not referring only to the double identity, but also to the image that people have of him. In this, the currant has unfortunately undergone a fluctuating evolution of its reputation.
The highest moment of his fame was the year 1712, when Mr. P. Bailly da Montaran described it in one of his treatises as a universal remedy, capable of curing fevers, plague, sores, stones and so on and so forth, the more you put. . Perhaps also for this very slight hyperbole, the currant fell into oblivion in 1800, when faith in him was completely lost. Since the beginning of our century, little by little, day by day, the currant has been regaining edges of reputation and esteem, returning in vogue above all for its diuretic properties, but also obtaining the coveted title of "gemmotherapy pearl" for its anti-inflammatory feats.
Henri Huchard testified in 1908 that he saw with his own eyes a patient get rid of rheumatic pains he had been suffering from for years by taking an infusion of currant leaves regularly.