Sanypet Research and R&D Department
.... linked not so much to the raw materials themselves, but rather to the presence of pharmacological and chemical residues in the meat deriving from intensive farming . These residues, in particular oxytetracycline and its metabolites , can induce a state of chronic inflammation in the various organs, which manifests itself with specific symptoms. The chronic inflammatory picture that afflicts the target organ also constitutes a fertile substrate for the proliferation of common saprophytes , favoring the triggering of infections that contribute to complicating the symptoms.
Based on these considerations, SANYpet has set itself the goal of developing the concept of physiological rebalancing through nutrition, choosing for all its products raw materials of the highest quality, sea fish and meats from extensive or organic farms which, by virtue of this, they are guaranteed free of these toxic substances.
To meet the delicate needs of subjects who find themselves manifesting symptoms of intolerance, a FORZA10 Nutraceutical Line has been created with specific products to act on the organ or apparatus target of intolerance. The term "Nutraceutical" comes from the synthesis between nutrition and pharmaceuticals. Nutraceuticals is the new branch of medicine that aims to study the effect of certain natural substances added to the diet both in the prevention and in the treatment of the most diverse diseases. Due to its characteristics, it can become the indispensable link between natural medicine and pharmacology. Furthermore, a nutraceutical food allows to solve in a simple and definitive way the objective difficulties of administering drugs by topical, oral and / or parenteral route. The use of titrated and standardized medicinal plants , precisely due to the level of knowledge reached with millennial use by man, can finally allow to achieve an exceptional ethical result: gradually but quickly eliminating animal testing, currently mandatory for everyone. new drugs. In practice, man has already carried out all the necessary experimentation on his skin to select the most effective natural substances without dangerous side effects .
To verify the effectiveness of our products, numerous studies have been carried out, many still in progress, in collaboration with various Italian universities , as well as clinical trials have been carried out with the precious support of well-known professionals in the area.