Pharmacist - Formulist
Expert in phytotherapy
#Castanea sativa
Who is it?
The chestnut (Castanea sativa) and its properties have the maternal delicacy and protection of a loving hen for dogs and cats. To spread its benign coat, the chestnut uses its coating, but also the bark of the stem, leaves and buds.
The Superpowers
The superpowers of the chestnut derive mainly from tannins, substances that bind to proteins, forming a protective film of the intestinal mucosa, protecting it from food substances that could damage it when it is inflamed by a gastrointestinal problem.
The chestnut extracts therefore monitor and protect the intestine, with an anti-inflammatory action on the mucosa and an astringent effect.
The chestnut has also always been an important source of starch, being used in the diet to replace bread and therefore also coming into contact with dogs and cats, who have always lived alongside humans.
Where to find it
The protection conferred by chestnut can be found in the FORZA10 Intestinal Active and Intestinal Actiwet , both for dogs and cats.
From the Caucasus to Spain, the chestnut ended up in soups and sweets, it has become the daily bread of men and consequently also of dogs and cats, thanks to its low cost. In some Italian regions it is also used to create the castagnaccio, a typical dessert.
The sense of protection and affection nevertheless persists over the years, marking the memories and traces of the chestnut. In the prison camps, during the war, men wrote in letters their desire to go home to eat them, indelibly associating them with the home, with the time spent in the family drinking wine and cooking them in front of the fire.
Chestnuts are the ritual food consumed on the evening of the dead, also due to the period of the year in which the harvest is carried out, while in some Italian regions the proverb "chestnuts and wine in San Martin" applies, on the occasion of the celebrations of the saint November 11th.